Beatrice Melvin Chemistry for Christmas Fundraiser

This project was created to give students an early start Into STEM fields. The objective of this fundraiser is to provide Chemistry sets for third graders in the Cincinnati area who may otherwise not be exposed to opportunities to create hands-on STEM projects at home. The drive is named to honor Beatrice Melvin who inspired her children to become doctors by providing them with chemistry sets at an early age. She spent 50 years as educator raised countless numbers of future scientists and educators in addition to her own children.

Through the initiative we will give families the tools to harvest the creativity of their children through hands-on STEM engagement in the home and prepare the next generation of youth to fill existing gaps in the STEM workforce.

Each year, we will target 250 families in the STEMulates program to receive the chemistry set. The kits will be distributed to 3rd graders in the region. 100% of all donations will go to provide Chemistry sets.
